How do you start a new software project?

How do you start a new software project?

Starting a new software project is an essential process requiring strict planning, collaboration, and active acceptance of best practices.  A well-crafted automation testing strategy is also critical and should be incorporated into a new project for the success of any enterprise or organization striving to offer superior-quality products or solutions. In any organization where no testing strategy has been pre-defined, QA specialists might find it tedious to start a fresh project as they lack a clear starting point.

Automated testing is crucial to meeting the demands for fast but top-quality software projects. It plays an important role in producing software by improving result efficiency, enhancing bug detection and fixing, and many more. One of the benefits of automated testing is that it is perfectly suited for projects that have undergone initial testing and projects that necessitate repeated implementation of similar tests.

What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing is an effective software testing approach that utilizes test automated tools and test scripts to run tests on a software app. The prime objective of automation testing is to streamline the validation of software functionality, confirming it meets requirements before release. By automating particular tests, companies can accelerate the test process without depending solely on manual testers. In test automation, specialized tools are deployed to implement predefined test scripts, compare actual results with projected results, and report the outcomes.

To save extra time and expenses and increase overall software quality, recurring and time-consuming manual testing endeavours are automated. We run automation testing to cross-check if the software app could perform similar mode, we expect it to perform. Although you can understand the STLC (Software testing life cycle) and perform a few tests manually, whether Regression testing or Functional testing, benefits abound when you are willing to do it automatically.

How to initiate a new Software Project?


Initiating a new software project is a crucial stage that sets the tone for the entire software development lifecycle. Let’s take a glance at how can we start a new software project:

1. Define Project Objectives

Project goals are the guiding values that shape the complete software development process. It includes clearly articulating the objectives of the project. Start by understanding the problem you aim to solve, identify the challenges, and define success criteria. Communicate with core stakeholders, including project sponsors, clients, end-users, and other relevant parties. Document the pre-defined goals in an accessible and clear manner.

Implement SMART Criteria

  • Specific: Execute a user-friendly interface, optimize page loading times, and organize the checkout process.
  • Measurable: Accomplish a 20% reduction in bounce rates.
  • Achievable: Leverage modern technologies and conduct user tests to detect pain points.
  • Relevant: Enhancing the customer experience aligns with the company's commitment to user satisfaction.
  • Time-Bound: Execute modifications within the next few months and follow time-bound policies.

By following these phases, project stakeholders can define goals that are the foundation for a successful project.

2. Assemble a Project Team

The success of any software project significantly depends on the collaboration and teamwork of the project team. Build a cross-functional team with knowledge and proficiency in areas such as project management, design, development, and testing. Clearly define the key responsibilities and roles within the team. This comprises roles such as software developers, project managers, testers, & designers, and other specialized positions.

Foster effective collaboration and communication channels within the team. Encourage knowledge sharing, open communication, and a sense of mutual responsibility. A skilled and well-coordinated team is fundamental to the successful implementation of projects and the accomplishment of overarching goals.  

3. Conduct Requirements Analysis

Requirement’s analysis is an essential phase in the software development process that comprises understanding, documenting, and prioritizing the stakeholder’s requirements. Start by working closely with main stakeholders to collect and analyse requirements. Define features, user stories, and functionalities that perfectly align with the project goals. Establish traceability between requirements and business goals. Find and document any compliance or regulatory requirements that the software must stick to. This is essential, particularly in industries with precise regulatory and legal standards. 

Document non-functional requirements, counting scalability, performance, usability, and security aspects. Compile all collected requirements into a complete requirements specification document. Work together with the QA team to make sure that requirements are testable and that the test procedure aligns with the project's goals.

4. Developing a Project Plan and Implementing Version Control

Developing a strong project plan and executing version control are crucial steps to confirm effective codebase management and project management. Generate a detailed project strategy outlining jobs, responsibilities, timelines, and milestones. Break down the project into manageable, smaller tasks. Detect the specific endeavours that need to be finished to accomplish project goals. Develop a timeline or chart that demonstrates the start and end dates of every single task.

Team up with stakeholders to validate the project plan and certify alignment between the plan and stakeholders' expectations. Use top project management tools like Jira to craft and manage tasks, track progress, and facilitate cooperation within the team.

Set up a version control system to efficiently maintain code alterations. Tools such as Git also allow collaboration and help retain a structured codebase. Generate a central repository to collect the project's source code. Platforms such as GitHub, GitLab, etc. proffer hosting solutions for Git repositories. 

5. Select Technology Stack

Selecting the appropriate technology stack is a vital decision that impacts the scalability, compatibility, performance, and maintainability of a project’s future enhancements. Choose technologies that can maintain growth and increase user loads without compromising excellence. Ensure that the chosen technologies can align seamlessly with the team's strengths and experience, third-party services, other tools, and APIs of your project. By considering these factors, you can effortlessly pick the right technology stack that meets technical requirements, aligns with your project's objectives, and guarantee the success of your software development endeavor.

6. Incorporate Test Automation Strategy:

Integrate automation testing automation from the early phases of development. Implementing a robust strategy guarantees the scalability, reliability, and efficiency of a software project. Start by understanding the project necessities and detecting areas suitable for test automation. Consider both non-functional and functional requirements that can benefit from test automation. Pick an appropriate test automation framework compatible with the chosen technology stack. Popular automated test tools include Appium for mobile apps, Selenium for web apps, and JUnit/TestNG for Java-centric projects.

7. Create a Test Plan and Implement Continuous Integration

Crafting a comprehensive test plan and setting up CI are crucial steps in certifying the efficiency and success of the testing process. Design a comprehensive test plan that comprises integration testing, unit testing, and E2E tests. Allocate the crucial resources for testing, including the personnel, test environments, scope, and test tools. Conduct a thorough scrutiny of the test plan with the main stakeholders, including product owners, the development team, and the QA team.

Integrate a CI/CD pipeline to automate the build, tests, and deployment procedures. Continuous Integration confirms that code modifications are validated constantly. Select a CI tool that aligns with the project's technology stack. Common Continuous Integration tools include GitLab CI, Jenkins, and GitHub Actions. By generating a well-structured test plan and incorporating CI, you can streamline the test procedure, guarantee early detection of flaws, and accomplish an effective and reliable software development lifecycle.

8. Conduct Initial Code Reviews

Conducting code reviews is an essential approach to identify potential issues, manage code quality, and ensure adherence to code standards within the software development team. Facilitate code reviews within the team to confirm code quality, adherence to coding standards, and detection of potential problems. Use integrated development environments (IDEs) and code review tools that support collaborative code reviews. Evaluate the code for maintainability and readability. Consider the code for potential security threats.

9. Execute Test Automation Scripts

Executing test automation scripts is one of the effective steps in the software testing procedure, ensuring that automated testing validates the performance and functionality of the application. Ensure the required test data is accessible and prepared for test implementation. Test data should cover multiple scenarios, counting negative and positive cases, to comprehensively validate the app. Evaluate the progress of test implementation in real-time. Most automated test tools and frameworks provide dashboards or logs that demonstrate the status of every test case and any failures that come across. Document the test execution results, including any issues detected, the status of test cases, and overall test coverage.

10. Perform Systematic Code Refactoring

Encourage frequent code refactoring to maintain a clear and effective codebase. Code refactoring is an essential practice in software development that includes restructuring current code without modifying its external behaviour. Before refactoring, carefully understand the current code and its functionality. Detects the purpose of every code section and its dependencies on distinct parts of the system.  Embrace a philosophy of constant enhancement to maintain an adaptable and healthy codebase.

11. Monitor and Analyse Test Results

Continuously checking and analysing test outcomes is a critical stage in the software test process, giving insights into the app's performance, functionality, and complete quality. Detect areas for upgrading and mitigate any emerging issues promptly. Use test frameworks and tools that offer real-time monitoring capabilities. Observe the implementation of automated test scripts as they run, checking test progress, rank, and any instant failures.

12. Enhance Security Measures

Security is a paramount fear in software development, and constantly enhancing security measures is crucial to defend sensitive data and maintain the integrity of apps. Incorporate security measures throughout the development procedure. Conduct security testing and fix vulnerabilities to ensure the reliability of the software. Incorporate security-centric code reviews into the software development procedure. Review code for security vulnerabilities, like cross-site scripting (XSS), injection attacks, and insecure data storage.

13. Document and Update

Manage comprehensive documentation during the project. Establish a constant upgrading feedback loop for documentation. Encourage team members to deliver feedback on the usefulness, clarity, and significance of documentation, leading to constant improvements. Regularly updating documentation to direct changes, enhancements, and best practices guarantees that stakeholders, development teams, and relevant parties are perfectly aligned and informed.

Incorporate Lambdatest to Achieve Faster Release


As you embark on this software development new project journey, you can also consider LambdaTest for your test needs. LambdaTest incorporates seamlessly into your CI/CD pipeline, letting you attain more reliable and faster releases.

Let’s have a glance at some of the steps to start a new project using LambdaTest for automated testing:

  • Sign in to the platform (LambdaTest). In case you are new to this specialized platform, you can easily sign up for free.
  • Select the Automation preference from the right sidebar. Choose your preferred testing framework.
  • You could even configure the settings as given in the guidelines or instructions.
  • Choose the OS (operating system) and resolution preference on which you wish to execute your project.
  • To run testing with mobile gadgets, select the mobile preference in the real-time test dashboard.
  • Begin with your virtual machine, and choose an emulator within your project.



Starting a new software project is a crucial stage that lays the foundation for business success. By incorporating a strategic approach, teams can effortlessly set the new project on the right track and ensure a seamless development journey.

Embrace the power of LambdaTest to enhance your test automation efforts and confirm the optimal performance of your software project. Sign Up for LambdaTest today and elevate your test automation strategy to new heights!

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Techies Classic

Techies Classic

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